Tuesday, 31 January 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

The Versatile Blogger Award goes to.. THE TENACIOUS KATIE.. Well not really but maybe?

So I'll get straight to the point I was checking my emails and I was informed that I have a new comment on my most recent post. A blogger has nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award, which I think is pretty awesome. I'm guessing its more of an personal award not a Official thing, I'm not really sure. So I thought I would check out his blog and I have to say he seems to be pretty good at this whole blogging thing and is an aspiring writer. If your into the whole bloggy world and have an interest in writing and all that shenanigans I would recommend his blog

I'm pretty shocked that someone of his standard in writing recommended me, because lets face it we know I'm rubbish at spelling, grammar and punctation. Only all the things that you need to have to be a good blogger! But we all know I'm very Versatile. HA! Also to prove that I'm not making it up heres the link to the nominees including moi! So I gotta say I'm feeling pretty chuffed, even if its only one dude that thinks so! 

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