Thursday, 16 December 2010

My First Blog - Cancer Diaries.

Sooo.. My first proper blog and i just want to apologise in advance for the bad spelling and punctuation, I'm not exactly the best writer but I'm stuck in hospital and can't start vlogging which is the original plan. I've just noticed that i can add videos to this site which got me excited. :) So expect some lovely videos in the near future. The main reason i wanted to blog is that I'm back in hospital in the same bay that i originally was in when i first came in and its brought back a lot of memories, for those who don't know me i was diagnosed with leukaemia in late May and currently being cured of the cancer, fingers&toes crossed. i guess i should of started blogging ages ago but i think now I'm ready to express myself. Though I'm still not sure what i wanna say.. i guess I'll start from the beginning?

Hmm.. well i hadn't been feeling to well id been having little nose bleeds and felt run down. So i booked myself in at the the local clinic after a lot of nagging from mum and a few people from work which id like to thank.. Thank you. Anyways.. They told me i had a infection in my nose, lovely i know but your getting the whole story! SORRY. Then i booked a blood test for Friday May 28th a day i don't think i will ever forget.. i had the test in the morning and was phoned later by my GP that evening to be told i might have leukaemia. Which came as a massive shock as i thought all i needed was a few iron tablets. After a burst of crying and trying to explain to my parents, then they had their burst of shock but then we all calmed down. Kinda. The GP called back this time i gave it to my dad to explain what he had said to me, the GP explained and said he'd call back with the what to do next details. By this time it was time to pick up my girlfriend and tell her the good news. So i got myself together and drove to the station to pick her up i got to the station and cryed a little bit more, as she got in the car i pretty much burst and tryed to explain the situation, so after a chat and a lot of hugs i drove back home.

Saturday night driving home. 
The GP called back and explained we had to go to the Royal Marsden hospital but the hospital didn't have any beds so i had to go to A&E so they could watch over me. So off we all go to my local A&E which was busy, so after a few hours of waiting i get seen by a lady who wasn't to helpful anyways after so long i get put into a bay which wasn't exactly sound proof. While waiting to be seen by a doc, this poor old man seemed to have bowel problems and kept calling for the nurse, i felt very sorry for who ever that nurse was he did not sound well.. Anyways before i make any of you ill lets move on. After a check up and blood test i was sent home so we left at 12.. Not sure how i slept that night but i think it was a lot easier having my amazing girlfriend with me who i can't thank enough for being my rock the past 6 months.

Now being Saturday we got the call that the RMH was ready for me so of we go.. we finally get to are destination so we think.. as we pull up in a empty car park and surrounded by empty buildings it seemed like a scene from a zombie film, i was waiting for the undead to come running for the van. We realise that were in the wrong place and the Hospital is just on the other side. So we finally get to the RMH not that i was in any rush. They had a bed for me in bay 2 on the bud west ward my new home for 4-5 weeks.

I met some amazing people at my stay at the RMH that will always be in my heart they made my stay here a lot more bare able and more of a pleasant experience but I'll tell you guys about them beautiful people another time i think Ive blabbed on for more then enough in this blog and have to go get ready for my lumber puncture so i'll update soon.

Take care and keep smiling :)
Katie x

If you want to follow me:
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1 comment:

  1. Why didn't you tell me about this earlier! Great start to your blog, Katie. Keep it coming. You'll have lots to share, and you really should talk about the people that have helped you through your journey.

    Love you, Teresa x
