Tuesday, 31 January 2012


So January, what happened? You didn't quite provide me with the epic month I was raving about. I was going for epic positivity to make this year a great one and ever since then its been going down hill slowly! It just seems that January hasn't been the kindest of months and maybe we should just bypass the rest of the year and go straight to 2013. Though saying this, I'm not willing to give up on you just yet 2012! Whats happened around me the last 31 days just encourages me to live life to the full and make everyday an awesome experience!

- Dancing in till 3am in the pub to old disco tunes. [SOBER]
- Creating some great videos on YouTube.
- Changing my bad habits and getting healthy
- Meeting up with Lewis and catching up and chatting about old times!
- Alan coming over and giving me Alan.
- Ellen MacArthur Trust Re-tweeting my video. [PROUD]
- Going on some awesome bike rides.
- Bingo with Nan and winning £20!
- Bowling with the guys from work and not being last. >.<
- 2 seconds of SNOW!
- Losing over 8 pounds.
- Investing in a pair of Aggressive skates. [NOOB]
- Seeing Wicked [IT WAS WICKED!]

Hey February! You better not try any funny business I had enough of your mate JAN! The bitch..

So what does February have in store for Katie Seedwell? Well my little munchkins I might just tell you. It's all starting with a bang! Zaz is coming on Friday to spend the weekend which will be a right little giggle and some much needed best mate time. I've also been asked to interview some people for a Team Leader position for Clic Sargent. I'm pretty nervous as I have no clue what I'm doing but I will give it 110%. Also I have "Find Your Sense Of Tumour" which I have mentioned in the past but its a Trip/Conference thing for people with Cancer. I also have a little project with the Ellen MacArthur trust and editing some of their 18-24 summer footage for them into a video. I'm going to blog/video blog these things nearer the time and give you guys some more detail, wether you like it or not.

So I'm excited for February and its going to be a blast! I'm staying positive that 2012 is still going to be awesome! I hope you guys have had an awesome start to the year and that the next eleven months are just as awesome! 

Keep smiling peoples! 
 x x x

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