- Dancing in till 3am in the pub to old disco tunes. [SOBER]
- Creating some great videos on YouTube.
- Changing my bad habits and getting healthy
- Meeting up with Lewis and catching up and chatting about old times!
- Alan coming over and giving me Alan.
- Ellen MacArthur Trust Re-tweeting my video. [PROUD]
- Going on some awesome bike rides.
- Bingo with Nan and winning £20!
- Bowling with the guys from work and not being last. >.<
- 2 seconds of SNOW!
- Losing over 8 pounds.
- Investing in a pair of Aggressive skates. [NOOB]
- Seeing Wicked [IT WAS WICKED!]
Hey February! You better not try any funny business I had enough of your mate JAN! The bitch..
So what does February have in store for Katie Seedwell? Well my little munchkins I might just tell you. It's all starting with a bang! Zaz is coming on Friday to spend the weekend which will be a right little giggle and some much needed best mate time. I've also been asked to interview some people for a Team Leader position for Clic Sargent. I'm pretty nervous as I have no clue what I'm doing but I will give it 110%. Also I have "Find Your Sense Of Tumour" which I have mentioned in the past but its a Trip/Conference thing for people with Cancer. I also have a little project with the Ellen MacArthur trust and editing some of their 18-24 summer footage for them into a video. I'm going to blog/video blog these things nearer the time and give you guys some more detail, wether you like it or not.
So I'm excited for February and its going to be a blast! I'm staying positive that 2012 is still going to be awesome! I hope you guys have had an awesome start to the year and that the next eleven months are just as awesome!
Keep smiling peoples!
x x x
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