Tuesday 24 May 2011

Never Give Up!

Hello ladies and gents, I just had a weird moment. I saw a Mr Seymour (I've mentioned him in a previous blog - Dr Batty) I hadn’t seen in a while and the doctors told him he had only months/weeks left when we saw him last. Apparently he’s doing better then ever and feeling fit and he actually looks better and well. It was really good to see him and I'm glad that what time he has left he is enjoying. Before he left he said to me "never give up" and it sent me straight into tears. So now I’m trying to contain myself in this crowded outpatients so no one sees. Luckily they walked off before they saw me get upset. Silly old me. I’m not sure why that happened. 

I feel honoured that he said that to me and it shows you that determination and strong heart will get you through. A lot of people have said I'm pretty positive and I have a good outlook on life but thats only because I'm surrounded by amazing people that remind me everyday the reason to be strong and keep fighting. I lose my way sometimes but I get back on track with a kick up the arse, but don't we all? So what ever happens stay positive because your come out better on the other side. 
So I’ve just had some chemo and now I’m on fluids which take about 4 hours. Currently got an hour and 26 mins left but starting to feel the effects of chemo already and my eyes have got really heavy. I want to sleep but I've just had lots of sweets so the sugar wont let me. Doh! Not long left now on the clock but the battery on my laptop is going to die soon. 

It also sucks because its my 2 year anniversary with my girlfriend is today but she got stuck up in Scotland last night, when she was suppose to fly home and come back to mine. The flight was cancelled and she’s had to get a ride back today but because I’m at hospital I wont be home when she gets the train to mine so I wont see her today. Which sucks mega lots! Super lame but we can celebrate at the weekend.
I need a time machine. Please.

Take care and keep smiling!
x x x


  1. Ah, bless. Of course you're allowed a wobble every now and then, you're only human. But he's right. Do anything and everything you can to fight. It's got to be worth the try!

  2. What a great reminder of what good things tenacity can bring.

    And Happy Anniversary!

  3. your a strong person katie you can fight anything,
    we are off to scotland on friday till monday. will pop round next week xxxxx love julie
