Wednesday 18 May 2011


So yesterday I had a bone marrow biopsy and gotta wait till Monday for the results, lil bit nervous but keeping a positive attitude. I was all snot and tears at first because my over active imagination kicks in and thinks the worst, but fingers crossed my counts are just being slow a bit like how my brain is all the time. The actual bone marrow went fine and I can't really remember anything, thank you for sedation! I think I stayed awake for it then fell asleep for like an hour afterwards but as I said can't really remember much. Not what I would call a fun day out but has to be done, I did get some biscuits afterwards so thats one plus!

Its my brothers birthday today and we spent the day in the pub, I was on cola being a good girl but was good to hang out and get my mind off things for a bit. We were discussing Theo’s 30th coming up and he had to make a list of what he wanted to do before he’s 30 giving him a month and three days to do it in. We came up with a few funny things like sex with twin japanese midgets and you can imagine what the rest would of been like.

This gets me thinking about my bucket list which is probably not the nicest way to put it but can’t think of another name. Any suggestions? I might put it in a separate post later you guys can tell me what you think and also if theres anything really good I’ve missed off that I definitely have to do in my life time. 

Anyways gonna keep it short and sweet because I'm tired and need to snooze.

Take care and keep smiling!
x x x

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